Collection: Primaloc Epoxy Blog

5 Superb Tips to Keeping Your Epoxy Looking Good as...

A wooden epoxy bar top with a pristine finish.
Learn how to maintain your epoxy finish with these 5 essential tips to preserving its beautiful, glasslike appearance!

How to Prevent the 5 Most Common Epoxy Blemishes

A blurred photo of an epoxy kitchen island counterrtop with a text overlay that says "How to Prevent the 5 Most Common Epoxy Blemishes"
Learn how to keep these 5 types of blemishes from showing up in your epoxy, so that you can achieve a strong, crystal-clear finish!

3 Distinct Methods for Embedding Objects Into Epoxy

A blurred photo of an epoxy river table. The river vein contains many embedments with a nature theme.
Did you know there's more than one way to embed objects into epoxy? Discover 3 distinct techniques in this guide to embedding!

5 Projects Anyone Can Achieve with Primaloc Epoxy

An epoxy table top with a layer of paper embedments.
Discover 5 types of epoxy projects that even beginners can successfully perform using our Primaloc epoxy resins!

A Step-By-Step Guide to Applying Epoxy

A photo of an epoxy bar top with a text overlay that says "A Step-By-Step Guide to Applying Epoxy"
Learn the process of applying epoxy—from beginning to end—with this step-by-step guide!

5 Stunning Epoxy Table Top Concepts

A blurred photo of a wooden epoxy table top with a text overlay that says "5 Stunning Epoxy Table Top Concepts"
Take a look at these 5 different types of table tops to get an idea of what's possible with Primaloc Epoxy!