Collection: Primaloc Epoxy Blog

DIY epoxy countertops: Are they worth the effort?

A photo featuring a set of epoxy kitchen countertops with a marble-like finish. Overlaid is text that says "DIY epoxy countertops: Are they worth the effort?"
DIY epoxy projects are cost-effective, but are they worth the time investment? Learn here just how simple it is to epoxy your own countertop!

Primaloc Deep Pour Epoxy: A Guide to Our Flagship Casting...

A photo of our Primaloc Deep Pour Epoxy
Learn here about Primaloc Deep Pour Epoxy, our flagship deep casting resin product designed for thick layer epoxy pours.

The Value of an Epoxy Finish on Granite Surfaces

A photo of a granite surface with a text overlay that says "The Value of an Epoxy Finish on Granite Surfaces".
Discover why epoxy is a favored sealant option for granite surfaces in this explainer!

How to Craft the Perfect River Vein in Your Epoxy...

A blurred photo of a wooden epoxy river table with an opaque black-tinted river vein.
Pouring a clean, bubble-free river vein for your river table is not as tricky as it may seem. Read here to learn how!

The Epoxy Tool Kit: What It Contains and Why

A photo including all of the components included with the Epoxy Tool Kit from our Primaloc Store.
Learn the purpose of each item in our dedicated epoxy tool kit designed to make DIY epoxy projects easier!

8 Distinct Project Types You Can Make with Primaloc Epoxy

A wooden epoxy dining table.
See 8 examples of epoxy project types that are viable even for beginners when using our high-quality Primaloc epoxy resins!