Collection: Primaloc Epoxy Blog

A bottle cap epoxy bar top, made with wood, epoxy resin, and numerous bottle caps that have been embedded within the epoxy.

What Is Epoxy?

You've likely heard of epoxy, a stunning plastic polymer with a rock-solid surface and a transparent appearance.

But perhaps you don't know what it really is. How does this stuff work?

Today, we'll explain some of the basics behind epoxy resin, then point you to where you can get high-quality epoxy of your own to try.

First of All, Is Epoxy Resin Safe?

Absolutely! We always recommend taking a few safety precautions, though.

When working with epoxy, always wear gloves and a mask. This will help prevent resin from getting onto your skin. If some does, you can just immediately wash it off with warm water and hand soap.

Also, do your project in a well-ventilated space, as epoxy does release some mild fumes. These fumes aren't a major concern for the most part, but it's always best to play it safe.

In very rare cases, people with respiratory illnesses may be more susceptible to epoxy fumes. If you think that could include you, wear an N95 respirator, which will filter out epoxy fumes (along with many other contaminants that are naturally present in the air).

A dark brown wooden table with an epoxy resin finish.

So, What is Epoxy?

Epoxy is the cured form of epoxy resin, a liquid polymer that hardens into a highly durable plastic once certain conditions are met.

In most cases, epoxy is made from two-part epoxy resin, which means that the epoxy starts out as two separate liquid components. These components are typically labels as resin and hardener. When the resin and hardener are combined—ideally in appropriate proportions—they generate a chemical reaction known as curing, the transformation of a polymer from a soft to hardened state.

When epoxy cures, it undergoes a molecular bonding proess. This bonding happens through an exothermic reaction, which means that energy is released as heat (i.e., the transfer of thermal energy).

If you've ever worked with epoxy resin before, you'll recognize phase of the process, which begins during mixing, but usually takes 24 to 72 hours to complete.

Epoxy resin falls in the category of thermosetting polymers. These are polymers that cure by releasing thermal energy. Once this happens, it can't be fully undone.

What Do People Use Epoxy for?

Epoxy resin is incredibly versatile, and it is used for a wide variety of purposes in many different industries.

Some examples of this are:

  • Repair: Epoxy can be used as a stopgap measure for repairing damaged materials and structures. There are specific kinds of epoxy for this that may not look pretty, but can cure ultra-fast and are easy to apply in otherwise awkward places.
  • Protection: Epoxy resin is often applied as a protective finish to materials that are porous or less durable, such as wood, quartz, and granite. In fact, epoxy resin is often used in the construction of aircrafts, due to its high strength and relatively low weight, which results in higher capacity for cargo or passengers.
  • Aesthetics: Epoxy resin can also be used for its beauty. It's frequently chosen not just for its protective strength, but also for its glasslike appearance. Many resin creators will take their works a step further by incorporating mica powder pigments and liquid dyes into their resin to imbue it with stunning hues and textures.

Our Primaloc Epoxy Resin can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including interior decor such as counters and bar tops, resin art, and craft jewelry.

Two gallons of Primaloc Epoxy Resin, separated as two components, each in a gallon-sized bottle.

Okay, But Where Can I Get the Best Bar Top Epoxy?

Well, naturally—we'd say right here at Primaloc!

Epoxy resin is our specialty, and in our store you can acquire our top-tier Bar and Table Top Epoxy, which is exceptional for use on countertops and other furniture, as well as in the creation of resin arts and crafts.

Primaloc Epoxy Resin is self-leveling, transparent, and cures to an ultra-strong finish, crystal clear finish. It's also highly receptive to colorants like mica powders and dyes.

If you're planning an epoxy project, don't compromise on the quality of your resin; go with a reputable brand that will last as long as it should.

Choose reliable. Choose strong. Choose Primaloc.


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Next Epoxy Tips: Measuring the Amount of Epoxy You Need