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How Much Does Epoxy Cost?

Epoxy resin is a remarkable material used for preserving surfaces as well as creating beautiful art. From fixtures like bar tops and countertops, to furniture such as tables, chairs, and benches, to crafts such as coasters, jewelry, and wall art, epoxy resin has become a prized material in DIY arts-and-crafts.

Learning how to use epoxy is surprisingly straightforward, and many newcomers find that it's far less complicated than it first seems. In fact, the most important part of an epoxy project is the planning.

Almost any creative endeavor will benefit from a planning phase, and one part of that phase is budgeting. When working with epoxy, knowing how much it will cost is essential for planning out a project.

In this article, we'll explain how much epoxy tends to cost, and what you should consider before you make a purchase.

How Much Does Epoxy Cost?

Epoxy prices are heavily influenced by a variety of factors, but the two predominant factors are the quality of the epoxy and its sourcing.

Typically, epoxy falls within the $100 to $130 per gallon range. Many stores will give a discount for purchases of higher volume. In other words, buying 4 gallons at once will usually be cheaper per gallon than just 2 gallons would be.

Budget Brand Epoxies

What you really need to keep in mind when choosing is whether a product is legitimate or not. Nowadays, there are numerous epoxy brands, many of which are not up to par in quality or safety. These are called budget brand epoxies.

Budget brand epoxies are essentially any resin product sold at a surprisingly low price, often from an unreliable dealer. These products are typically all of the following:

  • Imported from overseas—imported epoxy resin is not subjected to the same regulation as epoxy manufactured in the USA.
  • Crafted with subpar materials—these resins are often made with low-quality ingredients to cut costs of production at the user's expense.
  • Less clear, or less durable—budget brand epoxy rarely holds up for as long as it should. It tends to be far less durable and not as clear as premium epoxy.
A photo of a piggy bank with a text overlay that says, "Money-Saving Tips for Epoxy Projects".

Epoxy Shopping Tips

When shopping for epoxy, you should be mindful of a few different things. Here are some tips we have to help you make your decision:

  • Always think about more than the price. Quality is often correlated to upfront cost, and a high-quality resin is far less likely to fail during curing or to break down early afterward.
  • Buying more often saves more. Though it varies by dealer, many epoxy stores will provide a cheaper per-gallon cost if you buy more than 1 gallon.
  • Beware excessive shipping costs. Some dealers hide the true price behind tremendous shipping & handling fees.

Let's take a look at these tips in more detail.

Tip #1: Always Think About More Than the Price

Because the price of an epoxy resin is usually determined by a number of factors, especially including the quality of its ingredients, and the degree of quality assurance provided during the production process, a good epoxy resin will typically cost more than a bad one.

There are many brands these days, often with inscrutable names, that seem to have manifested from nowhere. These budget brands are more likely to fail to cure, and even when they don't, they're often far more susceptible to damage, such as cracking, scratching, and softening.

At Primaloc, we offer a high-quality, premium epoxy resin designed for furniture, fixtures, and resin art. With Primaloc, you get an epoxy that cures clean and strong and will last for years to come.

Tip #2: Buying More Often Saves More

Dealers of premium epoxy often give a lower cost per-gallon when you buy multiple gallons. For example, with our Primaloc Bar & Table Top Epoxy, we're able to provide a better price when you choose a higher quantity of epoxy resin.

When you think you'll be performing multiple epoxy projects, it's a good idea to buy all the resin you'll need in one order to save extra money.

Bear in mind that epoxy does have a shelf life. This is about 1 year once you receive your product.

Tip #3: Watch out for exorbitant shipping costs.

One deceptive practice that many dealers engage with is hiding a lot of their costs in the shipping and delivery fees. Sometimes a product will have an exceptional price, and everything will seem great until it's time to checkout.

That's when you'll notice a tremendous shipping fee. Instead, consider dealers that offer free shipping. This way you get no extra fees, no deception—just what you ordered.

At Primaloc, shipping is free on orders over $50.

Low Upfront Costs Can Mean Higher Long-Term Costs

The most subtle aspect when it comes to epoxy costs is the way in which a lower upfront cost can result in a higher long-term cost. This is because epoxy which is cheaper is often lower in quality as well. This means that when times passes by, it's more likely to fail and sooner.

When epoxy fails, it often needs to be addressed quickly. A refresh coat is usually the quickest solution, but depending on the severity of the problem, it may be necessary to redo the entirety of the project—after removing what's already there. It's an arduous task to say the least.

Fortunately, you can avoid this problem entirely by choosing a premium, high-quality epoxy such as our Primaloc Bar & Table Top Epoxy. This will ensure a clean, resilient cure with an extensive, long-lasting lifespan.

A photo of a piggy bank resting next to several sequentially smaller stacks of coins.

Primaloc Epoxy: Premium Epoxy for Premium Results

When it comes to epoxy resin, Primaloc Epoxy gets the job done. Our epoxy resin is premium-grade, with high performance in every category.

Epoxy resin can be beautiful, strong, and long-lasting—which is why you shouldn't compromise on quality. With Primaloc Epoxy Resin, you get the ultimate finish in durability and visual appeal.

Protect your surfaces by giving them a rock-solid epoxy finish. Choose strong. Choose reliable. Choose Primaloc.


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